Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Xerox Machine Project

For this project we were asked to photocopy parts of our body and to create something with those images. It could either be 2D or 3D, at first I was not sure which way I would go with this project. I started to brain storm what body parts I could use to make something that would look recognizable. My initial thoughts were fingers, hands, and arms.
For my hands I thought maybe I could make a sign using sign language. If I did that I would not really be creating a 2 or 3D piece so I scratched that idea. Then as I was photocopying my hands I thought I could make a flower out of my hands and arms. I continued to cut out my body parts and form the shape of a flower. I taped all of the pieces together and I hung it up on the wall. Not only did it look somewhat like a flower but the fingers actually moved as the flower sat on the wall.
In conclusion I documented the movement of the flower I created and took pictures. I have decided to call this piece "grow as you go" because a flower is constantly growing just like we are and we are also always on the move.
 https://youtu.be/PJV3_dQnVDM here is the video!

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