For this project I decided to merge together half of a skulls face and half of a butterfly. I've decided to call it life vs. death. Even though these two things are completely different I can also find a similar balance between the two. Most people find skulls scary and ugly while butterflies are calming and beautiful,I on the other hand find skulls so raw and interesting. A skull is the foundation of everyones face and for a butterfly they all start off as a simple ugly caterpillar. No one ever thinks to praise the caterpillar part of the butterfly, only their beauty after the fact. The skull half of the sketch is meant to represent the caterpillar part of the butterfly while the actual butterfly part of the sketch is meant to represent beauty.
I thought this looked really cool and your representation of these two things really made sense. I think skulls can be very raw too and can add a whole new look to something. Nice job!